Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

GoToMyPC now includes Mac compatibility

After a daylong beta period, GoToMyPC is today substance a full Mac promulgation edition of the favourite far admittance software. The cheapest option for the code and service, which is titled "GoToMyPC for Mac," allows you to admittance digit another computer (Mac or PC) and costs US$19.95 per period after a 30 day liberated trial. The Mac edition requires Safari 3.0 or newer, or Firefox 2.0 or newer, Mac OS X 10.4 or later, and either a PowerPC G4/G5 or an Intel supported Mac.

There are another somewhat kindred solutions, including Apple's Back to My Mac (if you intend intend it employed on your router), and LogMeIn. Back to my Mac exclusive entireness Mac to Mac, so if there is a PC in the mix you're discover of luck. LogMeIn Pro sells for $69.95 per assemblage for admittance to 1 PC or Mac, and higher priced versions earmark Mac admittance from an iPhone app. Our readers also point discover there is also a liberated edition that allows exclusive concealment sharing.

GoToMyPC mostly gets beatific reviews, and I would like it a aggregation better if the company would permit up on the obnoxious and unceasing broadcasting promotions for the software. The business has probably worked for them, though, because GoToMyPC is a big vender to both corporations and individuals.

GoToMyPC for Mac is acquirable now. Wouldn't it be nice if they would meet call it GoToMyMac?

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