Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

SSH and the case-sensitive username in Snow Leopard

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard introduced a lot of under-the-hood changes and whatever are not very obvious. One such change is to the marker requirements for logging in remotely via SSH.

In 10.5 logging in remotely via SSH was a pretty standard affair. In 10.6, however, section has been beefed up a taste to order case-sensitive login credentials. While this requirement has already been imposed on passwords, Snow Leopard now requires a case-sensitive individual study as well.

In another words, when logging in via SSH, Snow Leopard differentiates between the username "aron" and "Aron." This threw me for a loop for quite whatever instance and is another one of the numerous reasons I have held soured upgrading my Mac mini to 10.6.

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