Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Apple getting sued again by patent profiteers

It must be hard to be as favourite as Apple. You're ever conflict the competition, who sometimes become late to the diversion with a wannabee product, then have snarky punches into the kidneys with their TV ads. Even worse are the lawyers, who lot the consort like a flock of vultures, production away at some sexy bits of meat they crapper get.

But the true lowermost feeders are the "patent trolls," a specific species of law concern that has picked up patents from companies that commonly never brought a creation to market. They check for another companies to become discover with products that ingest a example of profession that may or may not be covered under the patents they hold, and then either process the consort for papers infringement or force them to pay license fees. This document from legal concern Morgan, adventurer & Bockius LLP info the strategy utilised by papers trolls and how targets crapper fight back.

Apple's stylish attack, as reported in Macworld, is reaching from St. Clair Intellectual Property Consultants Inc. (SCIPC), a concern prefabricated up of two lawyers who purchased patents for US$100,000 from a group of investors who unsuccessful to move up a digital camera company. The consort says that its patents cover profession that allows digital cameras to save pictures in multiple formats. So far, SCIPC raked in over US$179 meg from different another consumer electronics firms (Sony and Canon, to name meet two), and today its leveled the sights at Apple.

SCIPC filed its lawsuit Oct 26th in Delaware, suing Apple for violating Patent 5,138,459, entitled "Electronic Still Video Camera with Direct Personal Computer (PC) Compatible Digital Formal Output." The suit is specifically targeting the iPhone and another devices prefabricated by Apple that include digital cameras in them. Judging from the legal illustration that has been set by preceding SCIPC suits, Apple could easily be about to bomb discover some big bucks to a happy troll.

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