Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

On the first night of Christmas, my true love game to me - free game apps

The folks at Blacksmithgames have become up with a rattling nifty idea. They've created an manifestation calendar, or in their words, an appventcalendar. Each period from today until Christmas, a newborn entranceway module unstoppered showing an iPhone mettlesome app that you crapper intend for free, but only for one day.

Being December 1st, the first entranceway meet opened and what's behind it is 33rd Division [iTunes Link] a line-drawing stealth mettlesome where the content is to fellow your troops patch avoiding adversary patrols. 33rd Division is for any iPhone or iPod touch streaming OS 2.2.1 or later. Tomorrow its price module go backwards to US $0.99 and another entranceway module be opened.

Blacksmithgames promises a mix of substantially known and unknown games to ready things interesting. So go on over and garner yourself up a liberated game. Then ready checking backwards for newborn surprises.

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