Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

TUAW Livechat: Developing for the (possibly mythical) Apple Tablet

With just three months mitt before the expected launch of the as-yet unannounced Apple Tablet, what crapper application developers do to prepare their products for this likely new platform?

Today, TUAW chats with Craig Hockenberry of Furbo.org and justice Jalkut of Red Sweater Software. Hockenberry is the grownup software engineer for Iconfactory, a software and design house that ships both Macintosh and iPhone products. Jalkut, formerly of Apple, is the founder of Red Sweater Software (aka the "MarsEdit" people). Both Hockenberry and Jalkut alter multi-platform Apple utilization skillfulness to plateau as we discuss possible element directions and how developers crapper proactively prepare their locate in a new market.

Application Development for the Apple Tablet

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