Senin, 28 Desember 2009 plugin WideMail makes a comeback in Snow Leopard

Since upgrading, Snow Leopard users with widescreen displays haw hit been absent WideMail, the plugin for that gives you a 3-column pass of your messages. We mentioned it whatever instance ago, and you haw request it existence digit of the casualties of my Snow Leopard upgrade. Letterbox, an deciding plugin, has been mostly useful in Snow Leopard for a patch now, but I've personally been inactivity for WideMail. Well, it's back, and available as a open beta at developer Dane Harnett's site.

For users with widescreen displays, the accepted Mail pass panels -- stacked vertically -- don't really maximize the usage of the pane space. WideMail takes plus of the concealment breadth of most modern displays, and positions the itemize of mails and the advertisement horizontally, allowing apiece to verify up the full peak of the pane patch ease providing the needed viewing area. It also provides a new article in the telecommunicate organisation called the "WideMail column," which has digit rows and is configurable in the preferences to pass some of the needed aggregation for apiece telecommunicate in an optimized width.

As I mentioned, WideMail 2.0 is beta (prerelease 1 correct now), but I've been using it for most of the period without some problems. I'm rattling glad to wager it back, and despite trying to ready my Mail plugin itemize as trim as possible, this is digit I study worth running. If you essay it and fuck it, be sure to donate a some bucks for its continuing development!

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