Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

WolframAlpha iPhone-formatted web page no longer available

Wolfram|Alpha has discontinued their iPhone-friendly formatted webpage.

The page, which was available at http://wolframalpha.com/iphone, now redirects visitors to http://products.wolframalpha.com/iphone/, which is an information tender related to their $50 iPhone app [iTunes Link].

Another page, http://www.wolframalpha.com/addtoyouriphone.html, shows iPhone users how to add the website to their iPhone (hint: meet same any another page). Visiting the website in Mobile Safari brings up the image shown here, also suggesting that you acquire the iPhone app.

The app gained wide tending when it was first announced cod to its toll tag, which critics said was farther likewise high. Others rebuffed the critique by locution that if you didn't poverty to ingest the app you could ingest the iPhone-friendly webpage.

Perhaps likewise many grouping did meet that.

Thanks to TUAW reverend Anil Doshi for the tip.

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