Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Rumor: iPhone 3GS coming in 8GB size?

This morning's report from Electronista suggests that we haw be seeing a slimmed-down power on the iPhone 3GS soon, attractive over from the 8GB spot currently serviceable by the $99 iPhone 3G holdover. A refurb buyer in Hamburg, FRG got a mixed-message incase that contained the promised 3G phone but said "iPhone 3GS v2.2, 8GB." on the product label.

Packaging mix-up, or suggestion of things to come? Rumors were circulating of the 8GB 3GS backwards in early November, but didn't materialize. It haw be added housing of a stealth storage bump, which is just what happened backwards in 2008 with the 16GB units... so we'll ready an receptor on those refurb pages and an fruit to the ground.

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