Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Apple is delaying shipments of 27 inch iMacs

Uh oh! It looks like there's transport delays and availability issues with 27 progress iMacs. It's reportable that these delays could be cod to graphics issues with the GPU. Several Apple resellers are citing transport delays when disagreeable to visit the models.

Apple made a short evidence to CNET tonight acknowledging the delays, but iMacs are showing a two hebdomad transport retard on Apple's online store, which strength stingy you won't be healthy to purchase one in instance for the holidays.

Graphics issues are null newborn to these iMac models. Some 27 progress iMacs also had issues earlier with graphic performance and Flash, which was fixed in the 10.6.2 update. The 27 progress iMac has also had a sort of another reportable problems before, from machines that have had broken screens, to iMacs incoming that simply don't work.

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