Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

iPhone ... in an iPhone

Here's a pleasant post-Christmas nous delivery for you -- it's created by a company titled Ogmento (they change in augmented actuality applications -- get it?) and is an iPhone app that creates an augmented actuality version of the iPhone. In another words, they put an iPhone in your iPhone so you crapper iPhone patch you iPhone. Dawg.

Why did they do this? Apparently it's a promotion for the iPhone start by Orange Telecom in Israel. But it's pretty disturbed -- the iPhone inside the app modify runs apps, though they're meet ease pictures. And it's a lowercase disappointing that you interact with the fake iPhone via the actual iPhone's touchscreen. If it rattling was an augmented actuality demonstration, wouldn't you interact with the augmented actuality iPhone meet by agitated your hand in the expose where it should be?

Maybe that's likewise mind-melting after a quiet Christmastime day. At some rate, enjoy the disturbed video above. This isn't anything we'll wager coming to the App Store some instance soon, we're sure, but it's meet the kind of abstract to get your nous up and running again after every that foodstuff pin and holiday cheer.

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